A story of Soohee, a Korean student in New York City who finds herself in an unexpected affair she never dreamed possible with a pleasure seeking NYC DJ which leads to disastrous consequences.
Director's Statement
Sour Milk is a glimpse of an immigrant girl's life. The main theme discusses what's it like to be alone in a big foreign city that never sleeps, too busy to care, for the more discerning souls who sometimes can no longer find the strength to navigate through life. Loneliness, isolation and a harsh environment can have a devastating effect on one's mind and this is one such girl.
Thanks for all the wonderful comments
"The film was captivating all the way through. It was very convincing. The actress who played the disturbed Korean girl was very good. She carried the story pretty much by herself. I certainly felt moved by her character. The end was abrupt and depressing but it made it's point. It's a short film that made me wanting to see more. Overall, it's very well produced." by Dr. Lily Eng
"'Sour Milk' is a fascinating study about one woman's descent into madness and obsession. Fantastic directing, editing and acting all around." by Randy Masters
"I think the real success of this film is a fresh perspective on a Korean girl's downward spiral and struggle to cope with harsh realities...The true light of the film is the sincere performance of the Irish bartender played by Mel Hamill. Mel lends the film a touch of humanity that otherwise wouldn't be present." by Veronika Lee